Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Continuation of "Beauty Standing" from City Eclogue by Ed Robertson

Only eye lives in this
in this desolation from
friendship to rest on.

Binding bodies see what eye
cannot. proposing prose to cite
what is gnawing at friendship.

He talks and wonders who
is talking about? Eye
does not feel comfortable

in his own skin in a
room the silence flattens
the ice from the sigh.

People talking to pictures
not to me
for the eye in me cannot see.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Stress is not being busy
Stress is worry
It is falling into a trap
It is being scared

                                                      of the things that need to be done
                                                      of the stones that need be turned
                                                      of the person needed to be 
                                                      of the people needed to please

We must relax when worry strikes
Two deep breaths relieve the stress
But the stress is always fighting back
Resting their hands on our garnished palms

                                                      Predicting our future, depicting our happiness.
                                                      Falling for weakness, ailing to gossip.
                                                      Pumping our brakes, pompous and hung.
                                                      On the things that are to come, of the things that must be done.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

How To Manage Small Prairie Fires

My N-7 Poem

Of Course we all know the 10-15 line prose that is the Pledge of Allegiance:

"I pledge allegiance 
to the flag 
of the United States of America, 
and to the republic 
for which it stands, 
one nation 
under God, 
with liberty and justice 
for all."

And after the N-7 noun replacement surgery it reads:

"I plonk allocation 
to the flail 
of the United Statistics of America, 
and to the requisite 
for which it stands, 
one naturalist 
under Godson, 
with license and kayak 
for all."

I leave you with 
one of the pictures 
that pops up 
when you google: 
'One Naturalist, under Godson'

Nick Rotola

Feb. 9th

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Bruno Mars' Hair

While the Seahawks were liberating freedom from Broncos for all the birds in the world, one thing remained the same, Bruno's Mars' hair. Insofar as interceptions were black plaguing Payton Manning, and making him feel as flustered as a Toddlers and Tiara's mom that lost her makeup bag, one thing remained the same, Bruno's hair. His hair was so perfectly parted with just the right amount of divine sweat and devilish grease. It was reaching deep within the fiery chasms of the deepest ocean. It fell far beyond the tarnish of an internet predator that lost his computer. It defied gravity, and Obamacare. It stayed the night at Sandusky's house and didn't get diddled. It brought its sleeping bag, and roasted marshmallows. Investing in Bruno Mars' hair is like investing in Apple in its IPO stage. His part parted the Red Sea so that all the Seahawks could walk with their tiny legs in a smug way like they own the place. That's why the Seahawks won. That's why we watch. In hindsight we all thought we were watching the Super Bowl because of the game. This was because of Bruno Mars' hair's humility.  In contrast, Peyton's hair is slightly above average. Seriously, nothing to brag about, but not bad.